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Step-by-step walkthroughs of the platform
By Taylor
1 author
22 articles
Get Started in the Platform
The Saab, Inc. Computer Vision Platform Overview
Upload and Manage Media
Create a Dataset & Upload Media from Your Computer
Sync Media from a Cloud Provider
Add or Remove Media in an Existing Dataset
Copy Media
How To: Transform Media
Create and Manage Projects
What are Projects?
Create a New Project
Annotate Media
What is Annotation?
Annotate Tab 101
Create Categories for annotation
Create and Attach Annotation Instructions
Create and Manage Annotation Groups
Annotation Workflows & Phases
Annotate pictures
Annotate Full Motion Video
Model Training
Model Training Flipbook
Model Inference and Exports
Export Annotations/Labels
How to Export Annotation CSV File
How to Use Batch Inference
Manage Account Settings
Invite Users to Your Account
Create and Manage Credentials