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Sync Media from a Cloud Provider
Sync Media from a Cloud Provider

Add pictures and videos from the cloud into your account

Written by Taylor Maggos
Updated over 4 months ago

To sync media stored in a cloud storage account (e.g. AWS S3 or GCP) to your account, you'll need to create and attach Credentials to a Dataset. If you don't know how to set up Credentials just yet, we have another article for that!

Create a new Dataset and attach Credentials

From the Datasets page, you can create a new Dataset by clicking Add Dataset. This will bring up the data uploader.

Give your new Dataset a name and a quick description, so it's easy to remember where this media came from.

Select the Media type from the radio buttons: remember, it's best practice to keep your pictures and videos in separate Datasets.

Insert the name and description to create a new Dataset. You will also select which type of media the Dataset will include.

From the next screen, this is where you'll tell the Dataset you just created to look for your media in a specific cloud location. Click Start connecting to continue.

You can drag-and-drop or click browse to add media from your local machine.

Now you'll need to select the Credentials that match the location of the media you want to sync to this Dataset.

Click in the search bar to call up your list of Credentials, then click to select the one you want to attach to this Dataset. You can also search by the name you gave the Credentials when you created them.

Click Connect.

Now that your Dataset is created, there's one last step! Open your new Dataset and click Sync. This will start a one-directional sync that copies over your media from your cloud location into your new Dataset.

**Please keep in mind that syncing lots of media from a cloud account can take a bit of time, depending on a number of factors, such as the file size of the media or network traffic.

Add media to an existing Dataset

Adding new media to a Dataset is very easy when you've connected Credentials!

Select the row checkbox next to the Dataset you'd like to add media to and click the Sync button. The platform will check for new media in your cloud location and automatically sync the new files to your Dataset.

Configure your cloud account to sync to the platform

Currently, the platform supports media sync from Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Solution (S3) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Please see the following articles for our "digest" version on how to set up those accounts.

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